Have another big post with lots of exciting info coming soon…but in the meantime… It’s always a[…]
Just finished up an incredibly fun and super-awesome final for my Acting for Non-Majors class here at[…]
Getting over the Nora post-show blues by revisiting some of our audience’s responses. Just thought I’d share[…]
Now that Nora is done, I’ve been able to add in lots of photos, videos, and other media on[…]
It’s opening night! And yet another write-up, this time in the Baylor Lariat. Many thanks to Helena Hunt[…]
One day to go! More coverage – this time up on the Baylor website (fancy!). Thanks to[…]
Four days to go until the show, and yesterday NORA had a nice write up in the local[…]
I have a cast! And we go into rehearsals in two weeks…how are we here already? Just[…]